A rich stimulating, enjoyable environment and pressure are two different things. Stress reduces the brain’s natural ability to learn and concentrate, and the child’s ability for self-control. Our enriched programme is based on providing stress-free, natural opportunities for your child to bloom.
Fun, purposeful play is important than activities that merely fill time. As a parent you can be sure that our enrichment programme is contributing to your child’s physical, emotional and intellectual development.


When I work in the Math Centre I’m learning:

•To classify by, size, shape, and colour.
•To classify by, shape, and colour.
•Develop one to one correspondence.
•To develop communication skills.
•Match items that are similar (e.g., sort cars from small trucks).
•Predict what comes next when shown a simple pattern.
•Count items or objects.
•Graph items (e.g., how many red, &blue green objects).
•Try more than one strategy in problem solving

When I work in the Science Centre I’m learning:

• To understand the world around me.
• To broaden my thinking skills.
• To encourage my pursuit of curiosity.
• To enhance my cognitive development.
• To broaden my awareness of the environment.
• To develop my vocabulary.
• To develop my thinking skills.
• Make discoveries on my own or with others.
• Expand my observation, classifying, and predicting skills.
• To develop problem solving skills.

When I work in the Music & Movement Centre I’m learning:
• To move to music.
• To explore & identify sounds.
• To develop rhythm & beat patterns which will help me become a better reader.
• To explore my singing voice.
• To develop a melody.
• To develop recall of the words to a song.
• To develop my imagination.
• Fine motor skills.
• To feel and express a steady beat.
• To function as a part of a group.

When I work in the Art Centre I’m learning:

• To express my feelings.
• To enhance creativity.
• To assert individuality.
• To develop a sense of pride.
• To share and cooperate with others.
• Develop an understanding of cause and effect.
• To use shapes to represent objects.
• To develop an eye for detail.
• Problem solving skills.
• To develop planning skills.
• To develop my small motor skills.
• To refine my eye and hand coordination.
• To develop my imagination.

When I work in the Dramatic Play Centre I’m learning:
• To develop interest and concentration.
• To expand awareness of self in relation to others and the environment.
• To use role-play.
• To develop the skills of planning and evaluation.
• To be creative and stimulate imagination.
• To understand symbolic play.
• To develop knowledge.
• To be spontaneous and participate in a child-initiated activity.
• To understand conflict and problem solving.
• To develop language and intellect.
• To experiment with different roles and their meaning.

When I work in the Writing Centre I’m learning:
• Awareness of sounds in words.
• Say what a picture or symbol represents.
• To use letter sounds & names.
• To write letters & numbers.
• To use clay, wire, or sticks to make a recognizable letter.
• To talk about absent objects or people.
• To contribute to an ongoing conversation.
• Make sounds of an animal, or vehicle, or some other environmental sound.
• Recognize a written word.
• To join in saying or repeating a rhyme.
• To listen to a story, rhyme, or narrative, and comment or ask a question about it.
• To name 10 or more letters over time.

When I am Outside I’m learning:
• To engage in energetic, vigorous and noisy play.
• Freedom of movement, active physical play and large/gross motor development.
• To continue to expand on my indoor play ideas.
• A place where I can explore and examine my natural environment.
• That outside is an extension of the classroom for hands-on learning.
• The changes involved with weather conditions and seasons.
• Social development and play.
• How my large motor muscles work.
• Balance.

When I work with Table/Floor games I’m learning:

• To work cooperatively in small groups.
• To develop self control.
• To show pride in my accomplishments.
• To demonstrate creative abilities.
• To develop self discipline & perseverance.
• To develop fine motor skills.
• To develop eye-hand coordination.
• To demonstrate visual discrimination skills.
• To refine sense of touch.
• To demonstrate an understanding of number concepts related to sequencing, seriation and classification.
• To sort & match objects by attributes such as colour, size, texture and shape.

When I work in the Block Centre I’m learning:
• How to work independently.
• How to share.
• To classify by sizes, shapes and function.
• To predict cause and effect.
• To solve problems related to construction.
• To organize in a sequence.
• To use small and large muscle skills.
• Language development (under, over, above, below, on top of & next to).
• To use small & large muscle skills.
• When I make signs for building, I utilize emergent reading and writing skills.
• When I judge how many blocks I will need to fill a space, I am learning math.
• Understanding the concept of length, height and weight.

When I work in the House Centre I’m learning:
• How to interact with others.
• How to express individuality and creativity.
• How to play cooperatively with others.
• An understanding of social expectations and attitudes of others when I role play life experiences.
• How to develop the ability to imagine.
• How to demonstrate empathy for others.
• How to use symbols to represent real objects or situations.
• How to Identify & Plan.
• How to solve problems.
• How to develop small motor skills.
• How to use eye-hand coordination.
• How to use visual discrimination.

When I work in the Library I’m learning: • To develop concern for others.
• To try out different roles.
• To share time and material with others.
• To develop an understanding of symbols.
• To increase my vocabulary.
• To predict events by guessing what will happen next.
• To recognize objects, colours and shapes.
• To develop story telling abilities.
• To develop my fine motor skills.
• To strengthen my eye muscles.
• To develop reading skills.
• To understand a sequence by opening a book and turning the pages in order.
• To develop self esteem when I make my own book with pictures about myself, my family or home.