Creative Kidz is on an enterprise expansion steer across India and Overseas. We plan to multiply exponentially over the next couple of years with a vision of being the flagship among the best pre-school/day care providers in the country.
However, while we are on an expansion spree, we are determined to accentuate on caliber, as we believe in the long run, the caliber of our core curriculum and our commitment will differentiate us from the market.
For this motive, the requirements that we state in our Business partners is as in line
1. The zeal for pre-school education: We believe that this is the most key prerequisite for the preschool venture to become flourishing, as the Business Partner would be shouldering the responsibility of not just early child growth, but also of grooming the Indian citizens of tomorrow.
2. Space: Could be owned or rented in a residential area of 1500 sq. ft to 2500 sq. ft on a Ground floor (preferable), Outdoor play-area (preferable). Location should be approved by local authorities for running a pre-school
3. Investment Capacity: It is possible to start a Creative Kidz pre-school venture with an investment ranging between 4 lacs to 5 lacs. The investment would depend on location, city, the space available and the investment you can comfortably make.

We have tailor-made investment program to empower women. We believe in win-win situation to make our relationship victorious.


Preschool Franchise: FAQs

Q. What business qualifications does one need to seek preschool franchisees?
A. Starting a preschool sounds good but one should consider the essentials required
Enjoy working with young children
An entrepreneurial spirit and strong desire to succeed
The ability to manage finances
A willingness to personally devote full time and best efforts to the day-to-day operation of the Pre School
A willingness to complete a comprehensive training program and become proficient in all aspects of operating a Pre School
Financial resources
Committed to the cause of providing good quality education to young children.

Q. How much space does it take to start a preschool franchise?
A. You would need to have a minimum of 1500sq ft – 2000 sq ft or more on the ground floor with an open play area to match in a residential location. Independent access, attached wash rooms and good ventilation are the other mandatory requirements. As a general rule bigger the area better are the chances of securing the preschool franchise.

Q. How much does it cost to start a CreativeKidz franchise?
A.Typically a new preschool franchise will cost about INR.4,00,000/- to INR. 5,00,000/- This cost would include the cost of ambiance, equipment and start up franchisee fees. We also have tailor made programs for women.

Q. What kind of training will CreativezKidz provide to a franchisee?
A. We train qualifying Franchisees in our curriculum and delivery method, as well as business strategies for owning and operating a successful franchise. In addition to this franchisees also take part in our continuing skill enhancement programs.

Q. What is the availability of opportunities in my territory?
A. The availability of franchises in specific geographic areas must be discussed with our franchising team in the specific territory for which you have interest.

Q. How much money will I make?
A. Profitability varies depending upon a number of factors, including location, occupancy and operating costs and the ability of the franchisee to manage and control the business. Questions related to profit and loss are discussed during a later stage of the selection process. We personally believe if we are able to deliver a quality education, name & fame will be associated with it. But we should always borne in our mind that a Teacher-Child-Parent relationship is sacred and we are the people who put foundation to a child’s life.

Q. How do I get more detailed information?
A. To obtain more information, please click here.